UPDATE: The server is offline and match making will not work.

*Note: Seekers will be stuck in a room for 30 secs in order for the Ghosts to hide.


Mouse/Right Joystick - Camera
WASD/Left Joystick - Move
Space/X (PS) - Jump
E/ Circle (PS) - Switch Item
LCtrl/Square (PS) - Hold Item Angle

Mouse/Right Joystick - Camera
WASD/Left Joystick - Move
Space/X (PS) - Jump
LClick/RT (PS) - Fire Fire


Open on different windows/browsers/computers. One player will insert a name and click "Host", other peers will "Join" with the game code given to the Host player in the next screen.


This was a week-long prototype meant to test and implement a peer-to-peer multiplayer hide-and-seek-esque game. The network protocol used was WebRTC. The purpose for this prototype was for self-improvement and learning using the Godot Game Engine.
